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2024-04-26 14:01:28 来源:元中文学 点击:4
1、我想看淡一点。再淡一点,直到不想看到为止。 I'd like to take a look at it a little bit. A little lighter, until you don't want to see it. 2、好好的放他走吧,别把最后那一点感情也耗尽了。 Let him go well, don't exhaust the last bit of emotion. 3、不爱我,是我不敢承认。暧昧是他唯一会给的。 Do not love me, is I dare not admit. Ambiguity is the only thing he will give. 4、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃。 Initiative for a long time will be very tired, care for a long time will collapse. 5、我会一直等你,直到没有再等下去的理由。 I will wait for you until there is no reason to wait any longer. 6、你说你和我在一起很累,可我把最好的给了你。 You said you were tired with me, but I gave you the best. 7、其实你明白,这个年纪谁都不会是谁的一生。 In fact, you know, no one at this age will be the life of anyone. 8、做一个浪漫的单身族,一个人也能羡煞旁人。 To be a romantic bachelor, one can envy others. 9、喜欢你是眼眶红红,心事重重。 I like you with red eyes and heavy heart. 10、旧情人给的问候,比陌生人还要尴尬。 Greetings from old lovers are even more embarrassing than strangers. 11、以前喜欢到不行,现在只剩下不行。 I used to like it, but now I can't. 12、在失去你之后,我还是我自己,不是么? After losing you, I'm still myself, right? 13、本来以前会哭的事,现在想哭都哭不出来了。 I used to cry, but I can't cry now. 14、用微笑装作不在意你的嘲笑,不关心你的离去。 Smile as if you do not care about your ridicule, do not care about your leaving. 15、我痛恨所有骗我的人,因为我曾无条件的相信过。 I hate all the people who cheat me, because I believe unconditionally. 16、喜欢你的感觉很累,但我还是很喜欢。 I feel tired to like you, but I still like it. 17、时间慢慢淡忘了我们的过去,留下未知的伤痛。 Time slowly forget our past, leaving unknown pain. 18、当我转身时,早已物是人非。 When I turn around, things have changed. 19、累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑,简单生活就好。 Sleep when you are tired, smile when you wake up, and live a simple life. 20、经过青春的忧伤,时间会将一切抚平。 After the sadness of youth, time will heal everything. 21、听着欢快的音乐,但心里还是很痛,很痛。 Listen to the happy music, but the heart is still very painful, very painful. 22、邂逅了微笑,错过了绝望,每一站也算不孤单。 Encounter a smile, Miss despair, each station is not alone. 23、爱情这东西不主动就错过,主动就会贬低自己。 Love this thing does not take the initiative to miss, initiative will belittle themselves. 24、因为懂得你的好,所以才愿意在你背后给你支持。 Because I know your good, I am willing to support you behind your back. 25、你心里那座城,终究属于谁。 Who is the city in your heart. 26、你和英雄联盟好好过,我不打扰了。 You have a good time with the League of heroes. I won't disturb you. 27、别总说来日方长,殊不知回首间便已人走茶凉。 Don't always say that there is a long way to go, but I don't know that when I look back, I have already gone to tea. 28、物是人非事事休,欲语而却泪先流。 Things and people are not everything. I want to talk but tears flow first. 29、孤独的人都会想家,可我,为什么会想你。 Lonely people will miss home, but I, why will miss you. 30、知世故而不世故,才是最善良的成熟。 Knowing the world and not being worldly wise is the kindest maturity. 31、假装不爱你和假装你爱我,究竟哪样更残忍? Which is more cruel, pretending not to love you or pretending you love me? 32、我愿意等风也愿意等你,更希望风里有声我爱你。 I am willing to wait for the wind and you, and I hope there is sound in the wind, I love you. 33、我们一齐走过的以前,我发誓我会好好珍惜。 Before we passed together, I swear I will cherish it. 34、生日快乐,我对自己说,我不提醒又有谁会记得。 Happy birthday, I said to myself, I do not remind who will remember. 35、可能是我还活在有你的世界,无法自拔! Maybe I still live in the world with you, unable to extricate myself! 36、想你的时候,就象饮酒,未抬杯,人却醉了。 When I miss you, it's just like drinking, but I'm drunk. 37、有时候,承诺,只有听的那个人才会记得。 Sometimes, commitment, only those who listen will remember. 38、没有人能够感同身受,即使你描述的多么动人。 No one can feel it, even if you describe it so moving. 39、那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好。 It's always nice to start with what will eventually get you involved. 40、看不见的伤疤最疼,流不出的眼泪最酸。 Invisible scars are the most painful, and the tears that cannot flow are the most sour. 41、我不好,但只有一个,珍惜也好,不珍惜也罢。 I am not good, but there is only one, cherish it or not. 42、有时候沉默真好,可以假装什么都不知道。 Sometimes it's nice to be silent and pretend you don't know anything. 43、还要什么男朋友,夜不能寐的苦还没吃够! What more boyfriends, can't sleep at night is not enough! 44、微笑着掩饰着伤口,心却依然还是那么的痛。 Smile to cover up the wound, but the heart is still so painful. 45、分手时别拿不合适当借口,当初怎么就合适了呢? When breaking up, don't take inappropriate as an excuse, how was it suitable at the beginning? 46、一个承诺在最需要的时候没有兑现,那就是出卖。 One promise that hasn't been fulfilled when it is most needed is selling out. 47、迟早有一天我会心寒至极离开你,再也回不来了。 Sooner or later, I will be extremely cold to leave you, never to return. 48、朋友就是我前言不搭后语,你却都懂。 A friend is my foreword, but you know it. 49、无法拒绝的是开始,无法抗拒的是结束。 What can't be rejected is the beginning, and the irresistible is the end. 50、现在的我很乖,没有谈恋爱,还在等你。 Now I am very good, not in love, still waiting for you.




